Thursday, October 22, 2009

JavaScript & the photogallery

I have been working on including a bit of JavaScript into my project and have finally managed to get some of it working. I have used JavaScript for my photogallery to offer some interactivity to my website. I originally just uploaded the photographs in the file format I had taken them in but discovered that this is too bulky so have compressed the files down and reduced the size to small web size to make this work alot better. I may struggle to produce the thumbnails I need as I haven't got access to photoshop at home. I am going to do a bit more research and see if there is another way to do this.
I have basically been tidying up my code in the last few days and running it through the W3C Validation tool to work out the issues and debug. This has proved to be very useful and is helping me to make sure that what I am producing really works. It helped me sort out the following pages: Photogallery, Home page, portfolio space and the PDF resume page. I will be continuing to do this as I go to make sure that errors don't creep into my code.
I have also been considering my Contact Me page and have come to the realisation that I won't actually need to use PHP and MySQL for this page. I only want people to email me from the page, not to store their information as this will come through via the email. I therefore will amend my system plan accordingly and not include this technology in these pages.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, if you're not too worried about picture quality and just want to get some pictures uploaded (as you can replace them later), you could use Micrsoft Office Picture Manager to resize the images.
