Saturday, October 17, 2009

Finishing the system plan

I spent the day today working through the system plan and putting the finishing touches to everything so that I can then move onto getting the actual website itself up and running.
I found a microformats site today that helped out a great deal with getting the basics of my online resume organised and into (X)HTML. This has saved me a great deal of time and will ensure that when I put the site up it will be in an internationally recognised format as it is one that The Guardian newspaper uses. I found the site at:
I also created all of my wireframes today. I downloaded a free trial version of SmartDraw which retains a watermark on it with draft versions but works fine for my purposes. I eventually want to purchase one of these but would like a bit more experience in some different options before I make the final decision on which to purchase. SmartDraw has a lot of great features and the learning curve wasn't at all steep so I managed to create my wireframes quite quickly and simply whihc with the pressing time frame on this project is ideal. I found this at: It only gives you a seven day trial though. There are others out there that give up to 30 days.

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